Category: Biblical Teachings

These posts are biblical teachings looking at what does the Bible say, what does it mean, and how do we apply it to our every day lives.

Biblical Teachings
Are You Living Your Life?

Idolatry: “Extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone” I know I know…I’ve already started talking about idolatry at the beginning of this post, but before you potentially check out, give this a chance. What do you typically have a conversation with someone about? Work? Sports? Maybe the weather?

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Biblical Teachings
Tithing in The New Testament

Tithing is a popular subject for better or for worse. Some people love talking about it while others cringe the second they hear the word. It also comes up in many debates on if it really matters or not. Jesus talks about money more than most other topics while He

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Biblical Teachings
We Didn’t Choose Jesus, He Chose Us

When Jesus was choosing His disciples, He went to them and told them to follow Him. He initiated the relationship with them. He is the one who sought them out on His own to make them disciples. If Jesus chose His disciples this way, why would we think He would do

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Biblical Teachings
The Bible is The Ultimate Authority

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” – 2 Timothy 4:3-4 If there was ever a

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Biblical Teachings
We Don’t Have to Force Discipleship

Our staff has been walking through Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman recently and a couple of parts have struck me in terms of how Jesus made disciples and how He didn’t force the issue. If Jesus Himself didn’t have to force anyone to be a disciple, then why

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