My personal journey with money has been a difficult road. A road that started with nothing, learning all the wrong things along the way…all the way to bankruptcy, hitting rock bottom, then starting again on a new foundation with new principles.
A foundation and a set of principles that have had tremendous success over the past decades and the more people I walk with, I’m convinced we all still need help in how to manage money. More importantly, how to manage God’s money and that’s why I wanted to develop The Money Series.
In The Money Series, my hope is to share and teach on what money is, how to make a budget and the why behind it, what exactly tithes and offerings are, the emphasis of paying off debt, building a savings account, investing, retirement, and continuing to grow in generosity.
My hope is that it would encourage you and teach you how to build a financial foundation, based on principles from the Bible, on how to manage God’s money.
I know there are other resources out there and I’m a big supporter of a lot of them but at the same time, I feel convinced and convicted to share this money series along with my story. For the Glory of God and for the good of others.
The Money Series
- Part 1: An Introduction and My Story
- Part 2: What Is Money?
- Part 3: Make A Budget
- Part 4: Tithes And Offerings
- Part 5: Paying Off Debt
- Part 6: Savings, Investments, And Retirement
- Part 7: Action Steps And Growing In Generosity
The Money Series on The Bible App
We Need Your Feedback
Our goal is for The Money Series to always be “active.” Meaning we are going to try to constantly update these posts and publish new ones with the most relevant information that is helpful today.
If you have any feedback or resources to share, please share with them us and the community so we can all benefit and get better in our financial planning. To leave us feedback, please send us a message or leave a comment below.

Mike Mobley
My prayer is that through Before The Cross whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, that you can ask questions, seek and obtain truth from the Bible, and explore various resources to help you each day.
yes I found the discussion very informative
Thanks for reading Marlene!
This is a Kingdom lifestyle and Kingdom language. The management of God’s money. If we do well with his blessing, he will bless us with more and more because we are excellent managers in his Kingdom. It’s the principal he teaches us that’s most important.
Thanks for sharing Manny! Yes, this is about being great stewards of what God has entrusted to us for sure!
Thanks Mike! I love the article and please continue to manifest Kingdom thoughts and principles of the first true government (The Kingdom). This article should be the universal staple of how to manage financially.
Great Job!
Awesome Manny thank you! Really appreciate you reading and for the encouragement!