Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week:
Four Temptations Christian Leaders Face – Dave Kraft discusses various temptations that Christian Leaders face today such as comparing and competing, elitism, everything being about you, and the temptation of acting independently.
The Idol of Control – Lots of parents have common struggles they face with their children whether they are newborns, teenagers, or even adults when it comes to trying to control them. Even with the best intentions of wanting to keep them safe, Paul Tripp discusses the danger and idolatry of control.
6 Key Lessons I Learned In My 20’s – Brad Lomenick describes some lessons on leadership that emerged while he was in his 20’s for those of us still in that age range or leading/coaching those who are that age.
My Takeaways From The 2013 Chick-fil-A Leadercast – Michael Hyatt shares his notes from the leadercast including a quote or concept from each speaker. Excellent post for those who are wanting a summary of what was discussed at this event.
Victoria Secret Angel Says She Left Runway for Husband, God – Kylie Bisutti discusses the modeling industry, her career as a victoria secret angel, and what happened when she became a believer in Jesus Christ including God leading her to make some changes that others thought were radical. Great story!
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Let us know by commenting below.