Is The World Going To End Soon?

End - Earth After Destruction
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Since the world began, it seems that someone has wondered when it’s going to end. Thousands of men and women have attempted to predict when the “last day” would be, only to be proved wrong when the sun rose once again after the date had passed. Christians, especially, have been interested in discerning when the end of time will occur because some believe that it will, in some way, coincide with the second coming of Christ.  

Those who followed Jesus during the early days of the church were convinced that He would soon return to earth. New Testament letters are filled with that hope and expectancy. Since that time, each generation has found its own reasons to believe that it would be the one to witness Jesus’ second coming.

Many have based their biblical research on the end times on the book of Revelation and in Old Testament books of prophecy such as Ezekiel and Daniel. Jesus addressed the topic himself in the Gospels. Perhaps His most detailed discourse is found in Matthew 24 in which He described warning signs such as “wars and rumors of wars,” “famines and earthquakes in various places,” persecution of Christians, and the appearance of “false christs and false prophets.”

Jesus admonished His followers to be watchful and prepared for the end of the world. He explained, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Matthew 24:36). Jesus then added, “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44).

We don’t know when the world will end. It may be soon; it may not be. The important thing is that we must live with a sense of urgency to spread the Gospel and lead others to Christ and understand He can come at any time. He will return.

Here are other Frequently Asked Questions and how the Bible answers them.


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Mike Mobley
Follower of Christ, Husband to Joelle, Father to Peyton & Matthew, Finance & Operations Pastor at 121 Community Church, SAG-AFTRA Actor, Founder of Before The Cross, Owner of MMWCS, and Podcast Host for the Not Quite There Show.

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14 years ago

The world ends for each man in three places.
1. at the moment of death
2. at the coming of Christ
3. at the receiving of His promise of salvation.

May God grant that more should reach #3.

By His Grace.



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Mike Mobley

My prayer is that through Before The Cross whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, that you can ask questions, seek and obtain truth from the Bible, and explore various resources to help you each day.


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