“He [Jesus] entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small in stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way.” – Luke 19:1-4
It was another day in Jericho. Zacchaeus woke up and had the same tasks around the house as always – make breakfast, get ready for work, straighten up around the house, don’t spill the coffee on the way out – or whatever it was he did in his morning routine. Zacc had the same job to go to, the same disgruntled people to deal with, the same boss breathing down his neck. The pressures of the day were the same as every other.
But yet something was different about this day. Jesus was passing through town, and there was quite the buzz. Everyone was wanting to see Him, even Zacchaeus. But of course, another challenge springs up that is poised to stop or hinder Zacc from seeing Jesus. Massive crowds have already gathered, and Zacchaeus is, well, short. So, while in his head and heart he wants to see Jesus, the challenges of the day are just too much and he decides, “I’ll see Jesus next time.”
NO WAY! Zacchaeus is not going miss his opportunity to see Jesus. There is nothing more important in the day than seeing Jesus. Zacc immediately begins looking for a tree with low hanging branches and starts climbing. He does not let the challenges and distractions of the day cause him to miss Jesus. Whatever it takes, Zacc is going to see Jesus. So, he climbs a tree.
What a great reminder! Every day we will be faced with challenges, pressures and distractions, – work, normal events of life, people, etc. – all of which can stand between us and Jesus. And if you are like me, it’s all too easy to just succumb to the challenges of the day and say, “I’ll see Jesus next time.”
But we must remember, that there is nothing more important and of more value in the day than seeing Jesus. For our own lives, for our families, for our jobs, for our small groups, for our friends, we can do nothing more valuable in the day than climb a tree and see Jesus.
Whatever it takes, today, climb a tree and look for Jesus!
My prayer for us this week is this: that God would give us eyes to see Him and that we would be compelled to daily climb a tree and look for our Savior.
I love you guys. Press on!