How God Saved Me

I was born into and raised in a Christian home. Both of my parents, and most of my extended family believe in and follow Jesus Christ. So from Day 1, I began learning about Jesus, about being a Christian. At a young age, I began to know of and believe in the God of the Bible. I also began to know of and believe in an eternal heaven and hell. Heaven was a good place to be, and hell was, well… not so much. I also began to learn that the way to get into heaven and avoid hell was by believing in Jesus.

When I was 7, I saw a TV show in which someone died in a car wreck. It hit me at that point that life was in fact temporal (I probably didn’t use those words then). I realized I could, and would die one day. And it could come really quick if I were to be in a bad car wreck like the one on tv. And then I would either go to heaven or hell. And since I knew hell was bad, and heaven was great, I wanted heaven, and thus I chose to believe in Jesus.

I didn’t understand much more beyond that at the age of 7. My faith was still mostly what my parents had taught.  My life didn’t radically change. I was a pretty good kid before this point, and remained a pretty good kid after. I always went to church before, and I still went after.

When I was 15 though, I had a very real, and personal encounter with God. He spoke to me very clearly, and very loudly. While I knew about God, and believed in Jesus, God made it clear to me that I was still living for myself. I was making my own decisions in life. God asked, “Are you going to live for Me, or for yourself?” It became incredibly clear that day that I could not live for myself AND for God. There was only room for 1 person to be in charge, and God wanted that to be Him.

“Are you going to live for Me, or for yourself?”

It was then, that everything I had grown up learning became real to me. I finally came to realize that I had sinned against God by trying to live for myself and that I had consequently broken the relationship with God that He wanted for me. And the only way I could have a real and right relationship with God was to believe that Jesus had come to fix what I broke. Through His perfect life, he offers me a perfect record before God. Through his death on the cross, he takes away the punishment that I was due for my sin against God. And through His resurrection 3 days later, He made it possible to offer me His life and right relationship with God.

I didn’t do anything here to have a real relationship with God. Jesus did everything. And if I would repent – stop trusting in myself to make things right – and believe in Jesus to do the repairing work for me, then I could have a new life with God, today and for eternity!

I now live today, still struggling and trying to put myself first at times, but ultimately for God. I am His. He bought me with the price of Jesus. Jesus alone saves me from hell and to heaven, and gives me a new life in His family, and gives me the mission of telling others about this Good News of Jesus.

Do you know Him?

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Cory Johnson
I have been rescued by the love of God through Christ. It is the love of Christ that compels me to pursue a life that says, "He must increase, but I must decrease." I am married to Stefani, the love of my life, and we have 4 children including three amazingly beautiful daughters, Makayla, Molly & Maycee and one wonderful son, Myles.

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12 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story. It is actually a lot like my own. It isn’t enough to just “inherit” your faith. It has to be real to each of us. I’ve heard it said that God has no grandchildren…only children.

Cory Johnson
Cory Johnson
Reply to  Julie
12 years ago

Thanks, Julie. I agree with the statement on God’s children. : )

Suzanne Shumaker
Suzanne Shumaker
12 years ago

Great family photo..thanks for sharing your story. The question of whether people hear from God/Jesus comes up a lot. How does it happen? Is it a feeling or an audible voice or something else?

Cory Johnson
Cory Johnson
Reply to  Suzanne Shumaker
12 years ago

Thanks for the comment, Suzanne. We see people hearing from God in the Bible through the communication of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8, 1 Cor. 2). The primary way we will hear from the Holy Spirit is through reading the Bible, the very Word of God. Anytime we read His Word for what He actually says (not what we want it to say) we are hearing from God. The more we read, the more we learn to hear God and His voice. Just like in any relationship, time spent with someone is crucial to hearing them well. Some, and I… Read more »



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