How To Humble Yourself Before The Lord

How to Humble Yourself Before the Lord

Being humble for most people brings to mind a form of weakness. If someone practices humility, it means they’re not a “go-getter” and don’t care about performance or working hard. It’s the weak one who is humble and is dependent on someone else (hopefully you sense my sarcasm). Why do you suppose the Bible has so much to say about being humble? Maybe we’ve got it all wrong and the one who practices humility is actually the strong one?

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:6-7

God cares for us. He is mighty. He calls us to humble ourselves under Him. Not because He is a controlling God that wants you to bow down to Him because you are nothing, but rather because He wants to exalt us and care for us. As we humble ourselves, that is when we truly worship Him. We’re trusting Him with what’s going on in our lives and believing He is the provider instead of ourselves.

Stop Putting Everything On Your Shoulders

I’ve noticed lately in the majority of my conversations with people that everyone is tired. We’re busy. We’re weary. We’re taking on a lot of responsibilities. We’re working hard for our families. We’re trying to attend as many social events as possible. We’re trying to pay the bills as best as we can. We’re just trying to “get by.”

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus doesn’t seem to be talking about a life that is full of anxiousness and weariness as we follow Him. He makes a point to state the exact opposite on how we can find rest in Him. He is speaking to those that labor and are heavy laden.

I can’t speak for you personally, but I know for a fact that we are all suffering from this. We are working too hard. We are thinking way too much mentally. We are putting things on our shoulders that don’t belong there. We are forgetting what Jesus said and what He has done when we feel that it’s “all on us” to get things to happen. Most of the time, we’re probably putting so much effort into the wrong things all together (I am guilty of this too).

In today’s culture, we’re told if you labor and are heavy laden then you are doing the right thing. You are sacrificing for your family and friends. You are pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and working hard to hopefully one day achieve paradise (retirement) where you get to do nothing as you live out the rest of your days. This is wrong. Don’t let culture tell you that putting everything on your shoulders is wisdom. Trust Jesus when He tells you that His burden is light.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:4-7

Trust In God’s Character

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Philippians 4:8

Most of the time when we don’t humble ourselves, we are really saying we don’t trust God. There are times as a follower of Christ when we forget God’s character or doubt Him. We’re told in Scripture to think on the things of God. To meditate on anything worthy of praise.

These things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, or excellent are all praiseworthy because God is all these things. You’ll never find an area of the Bible that contradicts God’s character at the end of the day and that should encourage us in those moments of doubt.

When we don’t humble ourselves, we are really saying we don’t trust God.

Most of all, when God gave His one and only Son for us (John 3:16), it tells us a lot about His character. That sure doesn’t seem to come across to me like a God who is a tyrant and just demands power all the time. It doesn’t seem to match up to a God that doesn’t care about us. He knew that we could only come to Him through His Son who had to suffer and die before rising again. With that perfect knowledge that only God can have, He followed through and sacrificed His Son for us. Not only does that tell us everything we need to know about God’s character, that shows us just how much He loves us.

Look At The Humility Of Jesus

Jesus is our ultimate example of humility. Out of obedience to His Father, He humbled Himself all the way to the point of death on the cross. The Bible says because of this that God exalted Him just like how it says He will exalt us (1 Peter 5:6-7).

“And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” – Philippians 2:8-11

If Jesus practiced humility Himself, then why would we think we don’t need to? Why would we consider this weakness? Even He was dependent on His Father and this was a good thing, in fact, the best thing. It was a God glorifying thing in every way. We couldn’t even have a relationship with God if it wasn’t for what Jesus did for us in the first place (John 14:6). We had to humble ourselves to trust that Jesus is King and to ask Him to be our Lord and Savior. This is no different today whether you’ve been a believer for a week or 50 years.

We still need Him in everything we do. We still need the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us wisdom in all matters. We still need help to practice things that are honorable, pure, lovely, commendable, or anything praiseworthy. We are still not capable of doing anything on our own and will never be. As soon as we begin to live in a way where we are no longer dependent on God to do everything for us, we are forgetting our first love and proclaiming what Christ did for us was not enough.

As you’re reading this, take a deep breath and let it out. It’s going to be ok. As a follower of Christ, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, I promise that you can give it to Him. This is because God’s Word is true. What Jesus did was enough. And you have the Holy Spirit and can trust Him to lead and guide you. Humble yourself and pray to God truly casting your anxieties to Him and trust that He does indeed care for you.

Questions: Are you trusting yourself in the midst of your trials? What anxieties do you need to confess to the Lord? Do you have a hard time being humble? Please comment below.


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Mike Mobley
Follower of Christ, Husband to Joelle, Father to Peyton & Matthew, Finance & Operations Minister at 121 Community Church, SAG-AFTRA Actor, Founder of Before The Cross, Owner of MMWCS, and Podcast Host for the Not Quite There Show.

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1 month ago

Iam so guilty of trying to do things my way. His ways are perfect. I want to surrender completely to God

Kenneth Gray
Kenneth Gray
2 months ago

Hello, I try to be humble everyday. Doesn’t always work, by I try. I am struggling to trust God or Jesus at this point. I gave myself to God through Jesus over 44 years ago. In all that (long) time, God has done nothing (noticeable). 44+years of nothing but silence, absence, broken promises (Bible), and unanswered prayers. How do you maintain trust in God when He never does anything. I have trusted God in the past. Only to get kicked in the teeth, as the saying goes. Give your problems to God and nothing will happen. Your problems will just… Read more »

Joan Martin
Joan Martin
2 months ago

Approved by God, a workman that is not ashamed…..
The approval of man is worthless.

1 year ago

I’ve struggled most of my life with pride and a bad temper. I recently started laying it at the feet of God. I want to be different.

1 year ago

I have been a believer since a very young age and in my adulthood I am able to see and recognize God in almost everything more stuff then not. I’m trying to build a closer relationship with him one that is genuine and pure. Living in this world and it’s many sin’s makes that a harder task as you know but I’m trying to be diligent in seeking God with my whole heart and to trust him with everything I have.

Last edited 1 year ago by Danielle
1 year ago

Thank you for the reminder of who God is and how I can depend totally on Him! Trusting the Holy Spirit to to lead and guide me!

2 years ago

Enjoyed reading your insight on humility. One thing that is extremely difficult is letting go and giving God the glory for EVERYTHING. From 2009 when diagnosed with M.S. and retiring in 2010 I have praised God, not of my power but by the Power of Christ, for my illness. It is a daily reminder of where I was to where I am now. We are currently going through legal defensive actions over moving my mother onto our property and placing a manufactured home. I have not spoken this to but one person, brother in law; a pastor, as I have… Read more »

2 years ago

Such a great reminder!!!!! I need to lay down my pride on the daily…I need my Jesus everyday!!!!!

Loleta Mcbryde
Loleta Mcbryde
3 years ago

Thank you for your words of encouragement I find myself not understanding all the qualities of being an humble servant before God. Taken things on myself instead of laying them at the foot of Christ Jesus who cares dearly for me and my process with Him I want to please my Father in every way but I find when I want to good evil is always present with me but from this day forth I will lay it all at His feet cause I can’t handle the pressure of it all I know within myself it’s just an heart issue… Read more »

3 years ago

Thank you. Your article came as a result of seeking the Lord after having woken up at 4:00 a.m. with a very heavy burden. How easy it is to slip back into the old useless and sinful patterns of self-sufficiency. God is enough and His pattern (of humility) successful for every difficulty.

Cal Horelick
Cal Horelick
Reply to  Mike Mobley
3 years ago

Oh my goodness Great words from a Christian…I love her already

3 years ago

Thank you. This really shed some light on how to humble myself before God.

4 years ago

this was a blessing to me today.

4 years ago

I thank God for my life today, for how he’s has given me his supernatural peace even in the midst of my worries…and I have putting all my worry in Jesus and also how do I stop dreading of what might happen????

4 years ago

I tend to have a hard time knowing when I’m being humble or reverting to victim mode. I know I can trust the Lord. I’ve been a Christian for many years. On 10-12-18 God told me that I can trust Him. He will not manipulate or betray me. I believe Him. Walking this out is much harder. I finally realized last week why my hope is in the Lord and not myself. My hope was always in myself because I had to rely on myself to survive a childhood of abuse. How to truly trust God? How to surrender to… Read more »

4 years ago

I am in so much pain due to my husband unfaithfulness. I desperately wanted to give everything to the lord, but feels the pain still fresh after 4 months. Am I not humbling myself to the lord.

4 years ago

God’s timing is perfect. After reading through Philippians this morning, I desired more information and was led to this article. I need and seek daily reminders to humble myself before the Lord and to trust in the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Thanks for your encouraging and kind words.

5 years ago

I have been a pastor’s daughter my whole life, I have always known God. I have been a Christian on and off through the years but have really re-dedicated my life to God in the past few months. I am having some serious issues both at home and at work, I spoke with a Christian counselor today and she told me I need to humble myself to the Lord and surrender all to Him. I really thought I was but then realized I am not sure how to do that. I really appreciate your words, I am still trying.

Shirley B Dean
Shirley B Dean
5 years ago

I never ever thought of myself in the context of humility until now – I am 77 years of age. I feel I must study what humility entails and then ask God to move me to a place of perpetual humility. PFM

Ethan B
Ethan B
6 years ago

Recently I’ve been giving God my all, and I didn’t know what humble ment when I read it in 1 Peter 5:6-7, so I looked up your website and thank you! It reminded me that I am so ci-dependent on God that my life is about him and not me! It might be “my life” but I’m really just an instrument for righteousness and glory so that OTHERS may come and drink from the well!

Perry Hutchins
Perry Hutchins
Reply to  Ethan B
4 years ago

Great answer thanks

Bonnie Bidwell
Bonnie Bidwell
6 years ago

The Lord showed me that it was time to deal with a familiar spirit that I not only unintentionally entertain on a daily basis but I also allow it to become a stronghold in my life … the spirit of independence. What joy I have in knowing that He will bring me through this and I will be so much better off when this is behind me!

6 years ago

God spoke to me recently, by the means of 1 Peter 5: 6-7 and I knew that I needed to humble myself before Him. I didn’t really know what that meant so I came right here and it was incredible. Thank you so much for sharing all of this.

6 years ago

I was up late worrying, being upset on where I am in my life and frustrated with everything that has happened to me & my family in the past year. I never really talked to god about my issues or had enough faith to be humble because I wasn’t really sure he was listening or even if he was there due to events that I’ve experienced. I finally took the time to have faith and talk to him, and me being the person to have really bad anxiety and always worrying about things, I never can really get the empty… Read more »

Kandice M.
Kandice M.
7 years ago

Going through some things I needed answers of what I need to do to reach God on a more sentimental connection. We sometimes forget our way to God. Something said research humility and humbleness. The key is to humble myself. I research how to humble myself and this site gave me my answer through God. I am thankful and grateful for God that He took time to show me with just a whisper to my thoughts. I don’t know where I’d be without God and I don’t want to know or visualize it. I magnify God. I lift Him up… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Kandice M.
7 years ago

That’s awesome Kandice…thanks so much for sharing! I don’t know where I’d be without Jesus either!

Walter Taylor
Walter Taylor
7 years ago

I wanted to know how to be humble befor Jesus Christ I did not need to know how to work hard so how can i be humble befor God in Christ help me in this

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Walter Taylor
7 years ago

Hey Walter, thanks for sharing. I’d encourage you to read through the post to see how you can humble yourself before The Lord. Thanks so much!

leslie silk
leslie silk
7 years ago

Since a very early age I have been disobedient, rebellious, and stubborn about it. I literally did not believe life’s rules applied to me for some reason. I was constantly being disciplined by my dad growing up. I even rationalized that I was the victim of parental abuse. Nope. Just a hard-willed daughter with a dad who tried his best to break that from her. Sure I have managed to do a few good things along the way. A broken clock is correct twice a day. That matters not as I am incapable of true humility and obedience and it… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  leslie silk
7 years ago

Thanks for sharing Leslie and sorry for what you are going through. I’d like to encourage you that nothing you can do…no matter how bad you are…or how much pride you think you have….nothing at all can change God’s love for you through Jesus Christ. In fact, in light of everything you shared, God still loves you and desires a relationship with you through His Son, Jesus. Whether you have good days or bad days, we all fall short just the same and deserve hell because of our sin…but that’s why the cross is such a beautiful thing. Even as… Read more »

leslie silk
leslie silk
Reply to  Mike Mobley
7 years ago

Thanks so much for your encouragement. This stubborn side of me can also be used for good as I will continue seeking Christ in spite of pride. I enjoyed reading the article you suggested. It was right to the point and clear. The Bible does not lie. Can’t get much clearer than that! May God continue His blessings upon you.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  leslie silk
7 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much for sharing Leslie!

Dwight Boswell
Dwight Boswell
7 years ago

This really give me a fresh feeling. I was feeling drained and out. I need to give it all to Jesus, i am carrying to much burden

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Dwight Boswell
7 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing Dwight and for the encouragement of how all of us just need to give it all to Jesus and He will give us peace and rest!

Dwight Boswell
Dwight Boswell
Reply to  Mike Mobley
7 years ago

Amen. Please remember me in your prayers

7 years ago

I have alot of trouble trying to humble my self. I do anything for our church and eveyone in it and I’ll give and do anything to build up God’s kingdom in eveything I do. But I just can’t seem to humble my self before him . I know with all I have that God is king and he is the center of my life. Now why can’t I just let him have evey bit of my anxiety, all my cares and trust in him ? I’ve struggles with allowing other ppl to help me I’m a strong willed person… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Frances
7 years ago

Thanks for sharing Frances. Typically we are our own worst enemy and the enemy likes to stick around in our head and tell us we are not good enough and makes us question ourselves all the time. A lot of this can come down to trust. Truly believing that what Jesus did was enough and that there is nothing we bring to the table. We have a hard time believing that and it’s a daily struggle but the more we realize we didn’t do anything, and Jesus did should bring us freedom and peace. If it brings us anxiety… Read more »

Mary Harwell Sayler
Mary Harwell Sayler
7 years ago

Thanks for this, Mike. Those of us who have been following God since childhood need exhortations and reminders to keep our faith fresh. Have a blessed Christmas! May God continue to bless this site.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Mary Harwell Sayler
7 years ago

Thanks so much Mary and really appreciate you sharing!

Pam wilkison
Pam wilkison
7 years ago

This article has really help me as I was feeling that God left me out and loved everyone but me and my family and children. I received the Lord I don’t early age but there’s been so many disappointments along the way a loss of a child, divorce, lots of surgerys and much sickness. When I read this article it was very interesting and I brought light to a lot of things thank you so much for posting yes this has been life-changing for me and I have made notes once again thank you so much

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Pam wilkison
7 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing Pam. Love that God spoke to you through this post to remind you how much He does indeed care for you and how He is working in all matters!

7 years ago

I have alot of trouble trying to humble my self. I do anything for our church and eveyone in it and I’ll give and do anything to build up God’s kingdom in eveything I do. But I just can’t seem to humble my self before him . I know with all I have that God is king and he is the center of my life. Now why can’t I just let him have evey bit of my anxiety, all my cares and trust in him ? I’ve struggles with allowing other ppl to help me I’m a strong willed person… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Jenn
7 years ago

Hey Jenn, Thanks so much for sharing. I know it takes a big amount of vulnerability to share things like this. Let me first encourage you that the fact that you have the desire to humble yourself and that you’re even reaching out…is proof that God is in fact working in your life and you are growing as a follower of Jesus. It’s such a difficult thing to give over ourselves to Christ…100%. I think it will be an ongoing battle until Jesus returns or until we die, but nevertheless, it is a worthy thing to continue to strive for… Read more »

7 years ago

cI have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. my name is Victor Wood Smith I had a problem with my Ex Wife July-25-2015, which lead to our break up. when she broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine Jacobs told me about a home of miracle healer who helped him in the same problem too his name is Doctor Morusa from South Africa, I email Doctor Morusa the home of miracle and i… Read more »

Thab Kat
Thab Kat
7 years ago

I have noted that a lot many people get humbled when they are going thru life challenges, sicknesses etc…but when its all joy, they exalt themselves…how true is this in your obeservations?

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Thab Kat
7 years ago

Great point Thab. Oftentimes we forget to run to God until we are in a trial. It’s important to remember to run to God every day and spend time with Him. Good days, bad days, trial days, etc. All in all, if we spend time with God, we will grow in our relationship with Him.

Thab Kat
Thab Kat
7 years ago

How do you know after praying that your sins have been washed (forgiven)?

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Thab Kat
7 years ago

Hey there Thab,

We did a post on this very thing in regards to how we can know with confidence that we are saved…and that would include God hearing our prayers, etc. Here’s the link…I’d encourage you to check it out!

8 years ago

I have always been a caregiver and to my family and friends growing up I’ve always had a hard time speaking up for myself and my children which later on in my life I have come to realize that that only made me weak and people started to take full advantage of my kindness so I started showing people that just because I’m small in size and kind at heart doesnt mean it’s okay to mistreat me or my kids I found myself becoming a person to this day I’m not happy with,its not me and it hurts for me… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Tonya
8 years ago

Hey Tonya, thank you for reading and I think the single fact you are wanting to humble yourself and serve The Lord is a great sign that God is working on you! I would encourage you read a few more of these posts that talk about following Jesus one day at a time, how you can know you are saved if you believe in Jesus, and how to respond to temptation and satan when those battles come up daily in your walk with The Lord. That would be a great start as you seek out a church to be a… Read more »

8 years ago

Yes i do have a hard time being humble. Im guessing because i feel i dont have to take nothing from no one but after reading this im going to pray that god help me fix it nd live the way he wants me to i need gods help i really do.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Regine
8 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much for sharing Regine!!

Tee Love
Tee Love
8 years ago

Thank you for sharing. This was well needed.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Tee Love
8 years ago

Of course! Thanks for sharing as well Tee!!

Myrene Magabo
Myrene Magabo
8 years ago

Just like many of you, this article just come right at me as I am searching for wisdom. Right after I was just thinking of the possible beauty of learning how to be extra humble in times of trials — when things are bringing us down to the most humbling situation. I must trust God that He will soon lift me up. Thanks indeed for this message!

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Myrene Magabo
8 years ago

Awesome Myrene! Thanks so much for sharing!

Myrene Magabo
Myrene Magabo
Reply to  Mike Mobley
8 years ago

Thanks for taking time to acknowledge our thoughts! I shared your article to some people who are not Internet savvy or have less access to the Internet. I hope you wouldn’t mind me saving your article in PDF format. It is truly worth revisiting it, and reading it flows like a prayer within the heart.

Myrene Magabo
Myrene Magabo
Reply to  Myrene Magabo
8 years ago

By the way, I shared your article in Facebook.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Myrene Magabo
8 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much Myrene. Hope the post helps a lot of people!!

8 years ago

Praising God for this post. This was confirmation of everything the Lord was speaking to my heart about. The Lord wants all of my trust…not just some of it. He wants us to leave all of our worries at his feet. In doing so, it is honoring him in obedience.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Wanita
8 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing Wanita! Great encouragement and great points!!

8 years ago

Good morning, I also have never done this before! My situation is my husband of 28 years who was a Christian packed his bags and left me 2 years ago whilst I was at an evening church service. We had been going through a rough patch and I went to my church oversight for help and they thought it would sort its self out. I also went to a phycologist as I was feeling confused and trying to understand how the man I have loved for nearly 30 years could all of a sudden treat me like his own personal… Read more »

Mac Johnson
Mac Johnson
Reply to  Mazzie
8 years ago

Hello how you doing I was studying and I happen to run across this message as a Young Man as a young man I’ve been to a similar situation I have 8 children but what I found out through my struggles a separation if you can find Apostolic Church that really preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ it will lift your feet up and strengthen you and X that you would never imagine just saw him the true Gospel of Jesus Christ at age 47 I found out that the Lord will put people in your life to straighten you… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Mazzie
8 years ago

Thanks so much Mazzie for sharing. I’m so sorry for this situation and hearing of him walking away the way he did. I’m also sorry for how the situation played out within that specific local church. I obviously don’t know the details so can’t speak into that specifically, but can tell you there are churches out there that teach the Gospel and have pastors, leaders, brothers and sisters in Christ who can come around you in community and help you walk through this, together. That specific local church may have let you down, but God will not let you down… Read more »

8 years ago

Good Morning I have never did anything like this before. I am coming to get some help with myself and possibly my marriage. I see myself walking away from what I love so much. So I guess this is a cry for help my whole life I raised in a Christian household. We went to church every sunday and I know God I believe, worship, and honor my lord and savior Jesus Christ. It seems like since me and my husband have gotten together 14 years. I was 18 and he was 21 we have grown so much and have… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Getta
8 years ago

Hey Mariea, thank you so much for sharing and I’m sorry for the struggles you are going through. I don’t know you two personally so I don’t know if you follow Jesus or not, however I’m going to respond like you are. If you’re not, then maybe we can discuss more what it means to follow Jesus. If you’re a follower, I’d ask you what church are you and your husband a part of? Since followers of Jesus are called to be part of the local church body since we all play a role within the church, where is that… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Mobley
8 years ago

Thank You Mike I really deep down think that is what we need to do is find a church home. I have my child hood church back in my hometown that I am a member at and vice versa for my husband. We leave quite a distance from mine or his. We do read the bible and occasionally go to physical church.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Mariea
8 years ago

Awesome, thanks for sharing Mariea! I think that’d be a great step!!

8 years ago

Ive been brought up in the traditional church. but now I know better. I’m dealing with issues I can’t seem to move myself out of the way. I want to but I’m not. I feel like I have one foot in and one foot out when it comes to my husband of 7 months just got married purchased a motorcycle and look like that’s his first love. the ring that was on my finger has swelled up to where I’ve asked him about another ring and basically that’s on hold because of the bike which is now something that is… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Beckann
8 years ago

Hey Beckann, thanks so much for sharing. I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. I’m not sure if you both are followers of Christ or not, but I’m going to assume so with my response. Being followers, are you guys a part of a local church? I would become part of a local church since you’re called to do that as Christians anyway and get yourselves within community, and seek out Biblical counsel. We aren’t made to live in isolation and so often, many of us stay there. We were made for community and need each other to spur… Read more »

Robert Kane
Robert Kane
8 years ago

In order to enter the promise land one must cross the Jordan. Jordan means to descend and is also where John the Baptist said he must decrease that Christ might increase. It was shortly after that he was beheaded. Our head is what governs our body and spiritually speaking we to must decrease that He might increase. We are either crucifying Christ (living for our own flesh) or we are being crucified with Christ. If we are being crucified with Christ…that means we will also have our night in the garden of gethsemane (olive press). This is the place where… Read more »

Reply to  Robert Kane
8 years ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to share with Yesenia. In doing so, you have blessed others. God bless you for making the effort to share.
(May the Lord bless and open your eyes Yesenia:)

Reply to  Robert Kane
8 years ago

Good evening Robert!!! Everything that you said was very well said!! Thank you!! :) It touch my heart. I would like to share a moment in my life, I once had to let go of someone I truly loved and I chosed God instead. The man I loved wasn’t my husband but he was a big distraction in my life, he was good man and a Christian in Christ but we were growing more emotionally then spiritually! My main focus wasn’t on God, it was on my desires (My flesh) I wanted a relationship with him but my relationship with… Read more »

Yesenia Ramirez
Yesenia Ramirez
8 years ago

My mom says that I need to humble myself to god but never have I been prideful …. I guess my mom sees something that I don’t see? I love god and I do trust that he will answer my prayers but at the same time I do feel upset because he sees me hurt he sees me suffer yet its been months since I was happy. so I do question myself why me lord? this is unfair? I may have not been the perfect disciple but I have not let you down like most people I know who are… Read more »

Shannon McKnight
Shannon McKnight
Reply to  Yesenia Ramirez
8 years ago

I hope to encourage you with truth. No one has ever said that a life of faith was fair. Was it fair for Christ to be persecuted and die the most unimaginable death for you and me? Fairness is relative. If things were fair we would all be doomed to a life separated from God because of sin because that is what we deserve. I thank God that life is not fair! Sin is sin in God’s eyes. He does not differentiate between sin. Be very careful as a believer not to judge your brothers and sisters because their sin… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Yesenia Ramirez
8 years ago

Hey Yesenia, thank you so much for sharing. Let me encourage you with a few things on this and the struggle your experiencing. If you’re a follower of Jesus and believe in who He is, what He did…how He died on the cross and paid the penalty for all past, present, and future sins…then rose again defeating death and sin in victory….then THAT is your sign. You say you ask for a sign, but God has already given it to you through His Son, Jesus. That is your sign and only should be your sign for the rest of your… Read more »

Keith Augusto
Keith Augusto
8 years ago

God loves us AS WE ARE we only change when we embrace Gods love. JESUS ON THE CROSS….”I Thirst For You.” God wants us to be like Children…innocent kind gentle caring compassionate and so on. Mother Teresa KNEW Gods love. In her book she describes her love for Christ and its Power. Instead of listening to YOU BETTER DO THIS AND YOU BETTER DO THAT; understand that JAMES 2:13 MERCY rules OVER Judgement. So be merciful and God will be merciful. BE THAT CHILD!

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Keith Augusto
8 years ago

Thanks for sharing Keith!

8 years ago

I came across this website because I was looking for answers to see if I was humbling myself correctly. I am one day 2 of an intended 7 day fast for deliverance for my son. It appears he is losing his mind. We have been to multiple psychiatrists, 2 neurologists, 2 pyschologists, had multiple lab works done, had an MRI done, multiple prescriptions, you name it. The psychiatrists could agree on nothing except billing us excessively. Not one ever even gave us a guess, I mean, diagnosis. It wasn’t until I requested medical records that I had any insight into… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  LongHaul
8 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing and I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through. It would be hard for me to give you all the right answers to this through so I don’t want to come across like I have all the answers, but I know God is good. His Goodness is shown through His Son, Jesus. And we can know this for sure because the Bible says it’s true. That being said, I would make sure you’re following Jesus in a life of community and the Church so you don’t do things like this alone and… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Mobley
8 years ago

Thank you Mike. Fortunately, my son does know the Lord.That is part of the reason we are all so perplexed. Because we know what God can do, we don’t understand why He hasn’t healed my son, in a way that we can see, yet. All of the children were taught of the Lord. In fact, he still reads the Bible. It was his idea to fast in the first place based on Matt 17. No, the issue with my son is needing a miracle healing. That will be found no where on earth. Believe me, we’ve tried. For the next… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  LongHaul
8 years ago

Thanks again for sharing. Agreed on the fact that Jesus has to be enough…I think that is great advice for anyone else out there. I’d keep praying for God to heal him and to take things one day at a time seeking how to best glorify God in your situation. Really appreciate you sharing!

Reply to  LongHaul
8 years ago

Please get him to read and study Neil T. Anderson’s book, “The Bondage Breaker” and work (whole-heartedly) through “The Steps To Freedom” at the end of the book. “There is a battle going on for our minds” Anderson states, and uses NT scripture to point to our Provision with very powerful and insightful writing. Lastly, there is a DVD video that though not as in depth, is very easy to do a quick study of… and then use the book as the guide. I highly recommend this material for the situation you described. Jesus Bless you and allow you to… Read more »

Reply to  Chuck
8 years ago

Thank you Chuck.
I ordered the book.

Cheryes Ree Slade
Cheryes Ree Slade
Reply to  LongHaul
8 years ago

I pray a blood covering over the mind of your son and I rebuke bind and cast out tormenting spirit. I cancel the plan of the enemy and I ask our heavenly Father God to send His healing angels to give a sound mind..In the name of the Father, the Son and the precious Holy Ghost in Jesus name I pray ..Amen!!!

Joshua Thompson
Joshua Thompson
8 years ago

I work a dangerous job away from home. I have almost a year experience doing this kind of work and my wife is a stay at home mom. We have four kids and a mountain of bills. I changed jobs to get more home time but with that I took a pay cut. I don’t think that with the experience I have I should start at the bottom of the barrel and I feel should have at least been in a position of experience and not someone who is at the very bottom. I’m good at what I do but… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Joshua Thompson
8 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing Joshua…really appreciate you being vulnerable and sharing information like that. I don’t want to give you a quick answer like a “quick fix” or anything or make it sound like it’s no big deal, but let me try to encourage you as best as I can from a blog post comment. I can’t imagine your schedule and responsibilities you have leaving you much extra time, but I’d really encourage you to not do this alone. If you follow Jesus, God has not called us to live a life of isolation, but to do life within… Read more »

no ramirez
no ramirez
8 years ago

I really needed this thank you

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  no ramirez
8 years ago

Anytime! Thank you for sharing!!

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
8 years ago

Thanks Mary!

DJ Wright
DJ Wright
8 years ago

Feeling really beat up and defeated concerning my love ones, regarding their healing, deliverance & salvation. This is what I needed to hear. I can’t save them or heal them. I know God can; it just seems like after 35 years I would have the manifestation of it by now. I know, I know, you’re probably gonna say I need patience right? But that is a long time, especially when you hear and read testimonies of people saying I prayed and God just brought them on in and saved them…. I believe he has done the work; but the waiting… Read more »

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  DJ Wright
8 years ago

Thanks so much DJ for sharing and I’m right there with you on praying for loved ones. I bet a lot of people can relate to this! I don’t want to just say “have patience” and wrap things up like that, but I’d remind you (and I need this reminder as well) that we serve a good Father who has given His Son for us. And that Jesus is very patient with us when we still turn away from Him at times. That can be a great encouragement for both of us as we continue to follow Jesus and pray… Read more »

8 years ago

You know….this i came across randomly and it was right on time. God bless the person who wrote this, hour truly have the holy spirit. I really meedes to hear/read this, especially now that im going thru this wilderness.

Muchas Gracias. May God of the bible bless you tremendously!!!!!!????

Reply to  Maria
8 years ago

*You truly have the holy spirit

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Maria
8 years ago

Oh wow, thanks so much Maria! Really appreciate the encouragement and love to hear how God is working through the post for you!



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Mike Mobley

My prayer is that through Before The Cross whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, that you can ask questions, seek and obtain truth from the Bible, and explore various resources to help you each day.


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