How Andy Stanley and Tim Keller Preach with Non-Believers in Mind – These pastors approach ministry from different starting points, then employ different methods to achieve their purposes. We can learn from them both in how to respectfully engage the lost in our midst.
Get ready to be Lance Armstrong’s God – With everything happening this week in regards to Lance Armstrong and him admitting drug use in his career, this is a great take on identity. How Jesus offers freedom from the pressure to create, maintain, hide, achieve, buy, or race our way to an identity that’s ultimately going to fail anyway.
My Top 10 Favorite iPad Apps and How I Use Them – Michael Hyatt’s look at his favorite iPad Apps he is using consistently and thoroughly. Great if you are looking into which Apps you’d like to use for your iPad and wanted a brief summary of each one.
God Didn’t Save Us So We Could Be Normal – Great look at how God doesn’t call us to a life of safety or settling with average or ordinary. Rather He calls us to a life of trust and a life of faith.
Embracing Dependence and Celebrating Need – Tim Challies looks deeper into the meaning of “helper” in the Bible in regards to Eve to Adam. As doing so this is a great look at celebrating marriage as he lovingly does so here.
Seven Lessons on Blogging from the Last Three Years – To serve as encouragement to current and potential bloggers, Thom Rainer shares these seven lessons he has learned over the past few years.
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Let us know by commenting below.