Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week:
Single, Satisfied, and Sent: Mission For The Not Yet Married – Satan loves to deceive and discourage single people in the church and derail devotion and ministry. Here are eight suggestions for making the most of your not-yet married life.
Five Leadership Insights From A Firefighter – We can learn a lot about church leadership by serving with a team of first responders. Here are five insights into leadership from them.
What Comes When Dads Go – Here’s a look at how fatherlessness affects our society. That stats are scary as to where we are headed as a nation, but we can join in praying that God would make himself and His kingdom known among us with a great and marvelous “turning,” both of people’s hearts to the Lord their God and of fathers’ hearts back to their children.
9 Leadership Lessons I Learned From John Maxwell – Brad Lomenick discusses how John taught him a ton about leadership, life, and overall key principles on how to be a good employee and the keys to building a lasting organization. Here are 9 leadership lessons.
How Google Hacked Our Imaginations With #IfIHadGlass – This is a great look on giving us a chance to rethink the place of technology in our lives and in the stories we are trying to tell with them. It’s also a great look at Google’s new Glass project.
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Let us know by commenting below.