Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week:
Thinking Biblically About C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries – These have been troubling days for C.J. Mahaney and everyone associated with Sovereign Grace Ministries. Once a thriving and growing group of churches, SGM has recently seen many of its key churches and leaders disassociate themselves, including the flagship Covenant Life Church. This is a thorough look at how we should respond when things like this come up, as Christians.
Four Principles of Biblical Leadership – Here are four principles of leadership we see in Matthew 20:25-28, Matthew 23:8-11, and 1 Peter 5:1-5.
8 Signs of an Emotionally Healthy New Church – Is the church you’re leading emotionally healthy? How do you tell if it is or isn’t? Is there a way to know if you’re on the path to good health or heading in the wrong direction? Here are eight signs to look for.
Seven Steps to Move Members into Ministry – How do you move members into ministry? Here are some basic principles learned in a study out of the book Membership Matters by Chuck Lawless.
Why we have our best ideas in the shower: The science of creativity – Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, here is an interesting look that might surprise you showing that you might be creative after all, and might do your best thinking while in the shower.
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Let us know by commenting below.