Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week:
Rick Warren, critics, and the hope of God’s Son – Rick Warren’s 27 year old son passed away last week. Since then, support has poured in for Rick as well as strong criticism. Mark Driscoll discusses 3 kinds of people who seem to step up and criticize Warren, even during this tough time for him and his family.
When does human life begin? – The murder trial for Kermit Gosnell has seemed to become popular this week, especially in regards to why the media hasn’t been covering it. It seems fitting then to discuss when does life even begin in the first place. Here is a look at when life begins according to science and when it begins according to Scripture.
Jesus: Liar, Lunatic or Lord? – NFL player & pastor Eddie Williams discusses on when we examine the person and work of Jesus in the Bible, there are 3 conclusions that we come to. Either He is a liar, a lunatic, or Lord.
A Disciple Is Someone Who Knows What Time It Is – Too often, disciple-making is reduced to information regarding the ethics of the Kingdom. This post discusses how wisdom is defined in large part by the proper understanding of what time it is for a disciple of Jesus.
Confessions of a Performancist – Tullian Tchividjian looks at Urban Meyer’s accomplishments and discusses how we all can fall into performancism. His point is that our identity is firmly anchored in Christ’s accomplishment, not our own; His strength, not ours; His performance, not ours; and His victory, not ours.
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Let us know by commenting below.