Here’s a recap of blog posts you may have missed this week:
The Simple Thing That Makes Francis Chan Cry – Brian Orme interviews Francis Chan to see what he has been up to lately in Ministry. Francis at one point in this interview mentions, “I think one of the biggest problems [with Evangelism] is that no one feels like it’s their job.”
How to keep Millennials in the church? Let’s keep church un-cool. – This is a great post in the midst of all the information floating around lately about Millennials leaving the Church. Brett explains that as a Millennial himself, he really doesn’t want Church catered to his liking, but desires something bigger than him that doesn’t fit to his desires and his whims, but changes him to be more Christ-like.
Is It OK to VENT? – Is it ever ok to vent to get things off of our chest whether that be in person or online through Facebook? What does Scripture say and why do we even vent in the first place?
7 Key Principles For Interpreting The Bible – The Bible can be a difficult book to interpret for us to learn more about God and what Jesus has done for us. Mark Driscoll walks us through these 7 key principles for interpreting the Bible.
What are some practical ways a Pastor can train younger men for Ministry? – Pouring into the next generation should be the priority of all leaders, especially within the Church. It helps keep the mission going after leaders pass on from this life to the next. Here are 13 practical ways a Pastor can train up younger men in Ministry.
Do you have any blog posts that you would like to share from this week? Please let us know by commenting below.