3 Things Sickness Can Reveal

3 Things Sickness Can Reveal - Thermometer

Not long ago my wife Joelle got pretty sick within a 24 hour period. Obviously neither one of us saw something like that coming. Things looked like it was only going to be for a brief period of time (maybe a couple of hours), but turned into a 22 hour day of taking care of my wife and daughter. What I wasn’t expecting though, was what God was going to do during that time. Here are 3 things God revealed to me through this sickness.

Church Being The Church

I wasn’t sure just how bad things were going to be or how long it was going to take for a recovery so I decided to ask people for prayer on Facebook. The love and support we received through this was amazing! I think at times we don’t realize how effective prayer can be as well as relationships. Yes, it was on Facebook..not in person, but the comments and messages supported us a long way. We even received some special gifts at our door to help Joelle feel better. It made me think that this is the Church being the Church. When someone is in need or sick, let’s pray and rally around each other with whatever it takes to love and serve one another as the Church.

Blessings In Disguise

I was planning on working this day so plans changed for me and for my daughter Peyton as well. She is pretty used to seeing her Mom all day long and since Joelle takes amazing care of her, I knew this was going to be an interesting day, haha. While I may have been exhausted from being up all night (which most Moms are anyway, kudos to all of you), I didn’t mind spending the whole day with my daughter. In fact, we got to spend so much time together, I feel like we grew closer to each other this day. Of course there were times I’m sure she was curious to where her Mom was, she was perfectly content with her Dad taking care of her…which of course made me feel like a million dollars.

You never know what blessings could be in disguise in the midst of a sickness, trial, or unexpected circumstances. I think as followers of Christ, if we continue to press into Him, especially during times like this, we can still be joyful and see how God still provides for us.

Sacrificially Worn Out

By the end of the day, I was exhausted. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. There was no doubt I was a little delirious as well being that there are still some parts of the day that I can’t even remember. When that was going on though, and as the day came to an end, I thought about Jesus. Whether it was physical struggles I was having or dealing with my own patience, I remembered how much Jesus has done and still does for us today. He is patient. He is kind. He was physically worn out on the Cross on our behalf and paid the penalty for all our past, present, and future sins.

While I was happy to finally go to sleep after 22 hours, I felt a sense of satisfaction in my relationship with God and my family. It seemed that the Cross got bigger this day as I reflected on how strong Jesus is and was refreshed for what He has done for us. And I felt like I led my family well in providing for them and loving them throughout the day.

This was one day. This day was completely unexpected and could have been handled very differently, but I am thankful to God for His provision for our family and for the growth that took place. Credit goes to Him and to my beautiful wife who has many more days like these than myself and it’s pretty much guaranteed – she handles them better than I do.

Question: What has God revealed to you through unexpected circumstances before? Please feel free to comment below.


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Mike Mobley
Follower of Christ, Husband to Joelle, Father to Peyton & Matthew, Finance & Operations Pastor at 121 Community Church, SAG-AFTRA Actor, Founder of Before The Cross, Owner of MMWCS, and Podcast Host for the Not Quite There Show.

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Wayne Stiles
Wayne Stiles
11 years ago

This is great, Mike. I was sick not long ago and learned these four lessons:

1. You realize how weak you really are.

2. You realize the world can live without you.

3. You realize the blessing of good health.

4. You look forward to heaven.

Thanks for sharing it from your side.

Mike Mobley
Mike Mobley
Reply to  Wayne Stiles
11 years ago

Thanks Wayne! It’s amazing what God can teach us in times like this.



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Mike Mobley

My prayer is that through Before The Cross whether or not you’re a follower of Christ, that you can ask questions, seek and obtain truth from the Bible, and explore various resources to help you each day.


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