I believe for most of us, there are certain people in our lives that can impact us in a way that’s different than anyone else. Whether it’s a good reason or a bad reason, when that certain person is involved…things are different. For me, Francis Chan has impacted me more than anyone else, and it’s definitely in a good way.
I started attending Cornerstone Church back in 2006 when a friend invited me. It’d been awhile since I was in Church and was only interested because I was interested in this friend. What I didn’t expect to happen was to hear the Gospel for what seemed like the very first time. I didn’t expect to be impacted by this pastor. I didn’t expect to come to realize that Jesus died for me.
Francis preached in such a way where the Holy Spirit spoke through him directly to me. I have no doubt hundreds, thousands, or maybe even millions have been impacted by him as well through Cornerstone, books like Crazy Love, videos like Basic, or even the latest project he’s involved with, Multiply. One message in particular during that year made all the difference for me. It was preached on 10/1/2006 and was called Lukewarm and Lovin It!
It was around this time that I surrendered and trusted my life to Christ to be my Lord and Savior. The impact doesn’t just stop there though.
I was “all in” for sitting under the teaching at Cornerstone and to grow in my walk with Christ. I made the decision to watch Francis to see what it looked like for a man of God to follow Jesus. What an example I picked! Not only am I freshly encouraged to follow Jesus from the way He speaks through Francis to me, but I’m incredibly convicted at times too. I consider that a good thing…no….actually a great thing, and will continue to watch and be challenged.
Are You Kidding Me?
That is probably one of my favorite parts of any message I’ve heard or video I’ve watched when Francis is teaching. Especially because it reminds me that there are so many aspects to our lives that are ridiculous.
Think about this for a minute. God, the Creator of everything, loves us. He loves us so much so that He sent His one and only Son to us who lived a perfect life, died on the cross paying the penalty for all our past, present, and future sins, and then rose from the grave defeating death and sin in victory. Now, if we choose to believe in Jesus, surrender and make Him Lord of our lives, all of our sins are forgiven…forever….and we will spend all of eternity with Him. Are you kidding me?!
So now, for those who are followers of Christ, this time…really think about it. You are already saved. It’s done. Finished. Boom. Now each day you have from now on is a gift from God and you now have the Holy Spirit in you. You get the honor to love others, share the Gospel, and be a child of God. There is nothing that will take your salvation away from you and there is no such thing as a “bad day” anymore. Every single day is a great day because the war is already over, you already know who has won, so be confident as a follower of Christ and consider it ridiculous that you even have another day.
Thank You Francis
On a personal level Francis, I want to say thank you and pay tribute to you. I know if you’re reading this, you would want to give God all the glory and take the spotlight off of yourself…and that’s completely fine with me because God should get all the glory, but I just want to say thank you and hope you are encouraged.
As you have spoken to so many, I’m sure you have received many compliments and stories of how you have impacted someone. I would like to add my name to the list of many and show my gratitude.
It’s your faithfulness to what God has called you to do that I especially want to thank you for. As you have sought after the Lord in regards to pastoring a Church, speaking all around the world and at various conferences, going on mission trips, serving the poor and hungry, and building a continued emphasis on making disciples, thank you for submitting to the Holy Spirit.
I pray you will continue to press on and will continue to impact many others. I can speak from personal experience, you have at least impacted me. I look forward to the day whether it be here on earth or in heaven, where I can speak to you face to face and say thank you.
What about you? Have you ever been impacted by Francis Chan? If so, please comment below and tell us how and consider sharing this post. We would love if you know Francis personally, for you to share this with him so he at least gets a chance to read it. Let us all continue to spur one another one to love and good works all the more as the Day draws near (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Yes, his preachings are awesome!
But lets keep in mind to honor God and not Francis! I have just reminded myself, too! My Favorite Quote which was requoted by Francis is: “It feels like the people in this country are fine, they are content,
the’re happy to just meet with Moses rather than going up the mountains
God bless you!
Thanks Gabriel for sharing! Agreed, we need to be careful not to place people in God’s position. I just wanted to thank Francis for his obedience to how The Lord has called Him because God has used him in great ways for me personally.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this, it has encouraged me by realizing how incredible it is that God gives us every single day as a gift. His grace is overwhelming.
Awesome Amy, really appreciate you sharing! It is incredible when you think just how much God gives us each and every day!
Amen, brother! :) I just can’t take in His grace…never will until I’m in heaven, I guess!