We had more people visit our site and read our posts in 2013 than ever before with 140,000 views! Thank you all so much for supporting and reading Before The Cross! We look forward to what God has in store for us in 2014.
Here’s our 13 most popular blog posts from 2013:
13. Head Knowledge vs Heart Knowledge
When it comes to Jesus Christ dying on the cross, do we know this in our heads or in our hearts? Are we using head knowledge or heart knowledge?
12. Intolerance Is The New Tolerance
The new tolerance we are seeing now in today’s culture actually reflects being intolerant. How should a follower of Christ handle tolerance today?
11. Scripture on Contentment
Are you struggling or learning to be content in where God has placed you at the moment? Here is what the Bible has to say with scripture on contentment.
10. God, Tattoos, & A Razorback
I’ve been thinking a lot about why I am so drawn to God and tattoos and the more I get to thinking, the more I discover legitimate themes of truth.
9. Scripture on Leadership
Wherever you are in terms of leadership or however you are seeking it, the Bible has much to say about it. Here is scripture on leadership.
8. How To Leave A Godly Legacy For Your Children
Leaving A Godly Legacy is our purpose as parents and is mandated in Scripture. Here is how we can be best effective when it comes to Christian parenting.
7. God IS Good Even When We Don’t Understand
Many women go through losing a baby silently. We are not alone and we can still know and trust God even when we don’t understand. God is good all the time.
6. Men: Act Like Men
The Bible calls men to be strong and courageous. To find confidence and power through Christ. To move from being boys to act like men.
5. Why I’m Ditching The Bachelor
As much as I want to believe that Sean will find the love he didn’t find in Emily this coming season on The Bachelor, I don’t think I can do it. Here’s why.
4. Scripture on Self Worth
God sees tremendous value in you and has uniquely created you and all of us in His image. What else does the Bible say? Here is scripture on self worth.
3. Characteristics of God
Here’s a look at various characteristics of God involving Incommunicable attributes of God and communicable attributes that are shared with us.
2. What’s Wrong With Living Together Before Marriage?
The Bible is clear on how it defines marriage between one man and one woman. That being said, what does Scripture say living together before marriage?
1. 5 Questions To Ask Your Spouse Every Week
Communication within marriage is a huge deal. It takes an intentional mindset each week to work on it. Here are questions to ask your spouse that can help.
Thanks so much everyone again for your support of Before The Cross! Praying for great things to happen in 2014!